In the past Edubiz International has been involved in a wide variety of Community Development to ensure that those who need it most are given the opportunity to be educated and trained. This Education/Training empowers the recipients to provide for themselves and/or their families. Some use their training to train and/or teach others.
Edubiz liaises with local educators and Community Workers in Australia and around the world, to find the most beneficial way to work within and across a variety of cultures and communities. Some of the countries in which Edubiz International have worked are Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand, Kazakhstan, China and the Northern Territory of Australia.
Below are some of the current and past Projects.
Teaching Conversational English
This Australian Nationally Accredited Training Courses is being used to enable people to teach English anywhere in the world. Edubiz International has supported ITA through the establishment of the Australian College of Career Development.
11025NAT Certificate IV in Teaching an Additional Language - TESOL
​Delivery of Courses:
The TESOL courses are delivered as Face-to-Face, Online, or Blended courses
Edubiz is supporting the Community Workers in Kazakhstan through the provision of facilities for English classes as well as supporting the development of agricultural activities to increase the production of crops and animals.
Central Asia
Since 2009 Edubiz International supplied teachers of English to an university in Central Asia. They worked with the students to teach them Conversational English.
Several teachers have been placed at this university in past years.​
Interkultural Edukasi Partner (IEP) is a registered Education Institution established by Yayasan Mitra Pengembangan Indonesia (YMPI – Indonesian Partnership Development Foundation). Launched in 2010, IEP has branches in Bandung and in Sulawesi.
Edubiz International is partnering with Yayasan Mitra Pengembangan Indonesia (YMPI - Indonesian Partnership Development Foundation) via YMPI’s education provider Interkultural Edfukasi Partner, as well as YMPI’s environmental protection and social development organisation Peduli Ciptaan Indonesia, to broaden and strengthen the range of courses and services YMPI provides.
These courses and services include language programs, aged care training, information technology, agribusiness, community development and environmental protection.
The Gathering,
The Gathering Inc. designed the ACE Trades and Training Program in approximately 2007. Designed to accommodate people with low literacy levels and from various cultural backgrounds, the program was very versatile and could be adapted to suit individual circumstances.
Edubiz helped set up the Certificate II in Construction to empower young people who had been socially disadvantaged to obtain Nationally Accredited Training and so enable them to take up a position in the permanent workforce. This qualification was possible through ACCD until 2018.
Symbiosis International
Symbiosis International exists to alleviate the poverty in Bangladesh. Since it began in the early 1990s, it has worked toward the empowerment and development of community-based organisations.
Field staff have worked with people in villages for whom impersonal institutions are foreign, intimidating and create dependency. The development of long-term, holistic, committed relationships was essential and one of the core values of Symbiosis.
Edubiz International supported Symbiosis by developing relevant courses and training to achieve their goals.