Who are Edubiz International?

ABN 26 126 588 76
Edubiz International Limited was established in 2009 as an Australian company with an aim to transform communities through the building of capacity and competency in individuals, and by facilitating recognised educational and training resources. An outcome of its activities both in Australia and overseas will be communities enriched through strategic local training and education.
Edubiz International liaises with local educators in Australia and around the world, to find the most beneficial way to work within and across a variety of cultures and communities. Edubiz International enters into arrangements with selected education and training providers (colleges, universities, etc.) to identify and source Australian accredited teachers, trainers and course assessors for hire by that provider.
The Australian College of Career Development is a Registered Training Organisation fully owned and operated by Edubiz International. This college provides training and recognition of prior learning for skills essential to community development both at home and abroad. It recognises that education and training has the ability to radically transform the lives of individuals and their communities, and provides transformative education as its prime focus. The emphasis is practical rather than academic. The intention is to produce practical achievers in the relevant vocations.​
It provides highly qualified and experienced teachers and education experts from Australia, along with quality courses and training from Australia, at a reasonable cost to clients and students throughout the world.
Some of the countries in which Edubiz International have worked are Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Northern Territory of Australian, Thailand, Kazakhstan and China.